#!/bin/bash # First - check arguments if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then # Case number of imput arguments = 0 echo "$(basename $0): missing directory operand"; echo "Try '$0 --help' for more information."; exit 1; elif [[ $1 = "--help" ]]; then # Case input argument --help echo "Help here"; exit 0; elif [[ ! -d $1 ]]; then # Check if first parameter is directory echo "First parameter should be directory."; exit 1; fi workdir=$1; # Go to working dir cd "$workdir"; for file in *; do shopt -s nocasematch filename=$(basename "$file") extension="${filename##*.}" case $extension in jpg) jhead -n"%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S" "$file" ;; esac shopt -u nocasematch done